"Toynbee" Plaques - A Meta Meta Meta Discussion
OK. There are these plaques all over the place in the streets of New York and other cities. I've seen them and wondered what they were. Apparently, so have a lot of other people. There are links and an active Metafilter discussion on the matter. You can't join the Metafilter discussion unless you happen to be a member. But you can discuss it here!
Wow, what a great topic! I want to know how old the Mamet playlet/monolog/whatever is, and whether there's some previous Toynbee/Jupiter reference -- if not, he's the source and not just a vector. Can't wait to find out more; those inlays drive me nuts too.
Posted by: steve | March 28, 2002 04:24 PM
found in cleveland ohio euclid and E. 12
{Euclid _ }
{ X }
{ }
{ }
{ }
X marks the spot it is on crosswalk on E.12 side of street
Posted by: ghettobob | June 17, 2003 10:05 PM
found in cleveland ohio euclid and E. 12
{Euclid _ }
{ X }
{ }
{ }
{ }
X marks the spot it is on crosswalk on E.12 side of street
Posted by: ghettobob | June 17, 2003 10:05 PM
wow! ive seen them before, thought about them for about 2 seconds. but im amazed again at how people waste so much time discussing some 'mysterious'tiles.
Posted by: disinspired | October 5, 2003 01:01 AM