The Dialectizer
After my last post, I just had to post The Dialectizer. I thought of it when I was telling someone about Google's language options, and even if it is a few (four) years old, it's a hell of a lot of fun when you're in the right mood. Keep it handy in your bookmarks for when you need to laugh at someone's expense. Like mine.
Thanks to Al, who sent me this site three or four years ago. It still makes me laugh, Al!
I thought it would be handy to have a Dialectizer bookmarklet, so I created one. Just drag the following link into your favorites/bookmarks (or right click on it). When you're viewing a page that you want to dialectize, click on this bookmark, and it'll whip you straight to the dialectizer, where you can select the target dialect. Here's my bookmarklet: Dialectize
Please feel free to share this (but tell people where you found it), and let me know if you have any problems or suggestions!
Posted by: Songdog | April 8, 2002 12:07 PM
Looks like the Dialectizer has Netscape 4.x issues. Sorry about that!
Posted by: Songdog | April 8, 2002 02:00 PM