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World's Largest Shoes

An Indian shoemaker created the shoes "to put a smile on people's faces ... [and to] remind the world of the big steps required to root out evil."

Found at New World Disorder


I followed the link but was unable to concentrate on the shoes when I saw the following:
BREAKING NEWS: The Queen has addressed the nation in a heartfelt message of thanks for the love and respect shown to her mother.
I just don't know if I can handle any more of these shocking news updates!

And at the opposite end of the scale...

And at the opposite end of the scale...
[Sorry -- I thoughtlessly put the URL in the URL box; here it is:]

I saw that too. Strange times. Here it is as a clickable link :)

Ang PAnget ng MARIKINA alam nyo ba nyo!

Ang PAnget ng MARIKINA alam nyo ba nyo!

hindi pangit ang Marikina.

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