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United States v. Lucite ball Containing Lunar Material

The Contested Moon Rock

In the early seventies, Richard Nixon made ninety-two official gifts of moon rocks. One of them went to the government of Honduras. Over that last twenty years, the Honduran government has gone through a few changes, and their moon rock has ended up in the hands of one Alan Rosen, of Broward County, Florida (yes, Broward county, again). NASA considers the rock to be stolen goods, and is trying to return it to Honduras. It all makes quite a story.

Image from CNN.com's version of this piece.


I assumed you invented the "US v Lucite ball" title, but no, that's what the case is called! I'd like to know how the Lucite ball wound up as the defendant. Anyway, great story!

However, as for the Honduran link:
"Data as of December 1993" -- hmm, there may have been a few more changes since then...

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