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Let me just say, plep is an amazing site. The author is putting up twenty plus items a day, and each of them is a discovery. This site has become a daily read for me (although damned if I can keep up), and I highly recommend it! Thanks to Language Hat for the tip!


I'm really glad to see this posted -- I've been feeling that my simply adding him to the list of links (with however flattering a title attribute) wasn't enough, and I should make him stand out more. What a labor of love!

He's on my list too, of course, both on the main page and on my links page. In fact, I was going to make plep my Aortal link. The reason I did not is that I have been very remiss in my lack of adherence to the whole spirit of the Aortal thing. One is supposed to link to a differnet independent site every week. I have linked to only eight in nearly as many months. My intake from these sites is decidedly aortal but I don't want to abuse the notion too much, and I decided to stop using the term the way that I was.

That said, Read plep! And don't miss mybluehouse, not martha, languagehat, Mighty Girl, Bonnie Blog, and caterina.net, and visit my neighbors on nycbloggers. I love all of my past Aortal links!

A farewell is due, sadly, to This is Not a Blog, which seems to have ceased to be. Fortunately, the store is still there :)

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