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I Have a Master's Degree ... In Science!

I officially graduated from New York University on Monday, January 27, after completing a four year program of part-time study at New York University, during which I also worked full-time as a professional software developer. Over the course of my graduate study I've changed jobs a few times, and I also found the time to get married!

I'm not sure what's next, except for not having to attend classes these days. It's been a long (but rewarding) haul, and it's good to be done!

I would have posted this sooner, but I've been awaiting NYU's official confirmation that my degree was conferred.


Kudos and then some!


Even more kudos! Pile on the kudos!!

Hot diggity! Congratulations smart guy. Now you can wear a mortarboard to work...(

Looks like an excuse to go out and get drunk! And a Balduccis.com Team Reunion at that %^).

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