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Goodbye, Mister Rogers

As you have probably heard, Fred Rogers has died. I remember watching his show (along with "Sesame Street" "The Electric Company", and "3-2-1 Contact") every day after school when I was a little boy, and although I haven't watched it since my memories of the show and its messages are very strong. I am sorry that Rogers won't still be making shows for my own children.

The folks at Metafilter are discussing this and they've offered many kind words, and some wonderful links as well.


You'll be glad to hear the show is still on (reruns, of course)...Channel 13 (PBS), every weekeday afternoon. They're no doubt going to keep it going for ages. On the radio today, I heard someone who worked on the show say Mr. Rogers very much hoped it would continue.

You'll be glad to hear the show is still on (reruns, of course)...Channel 13 (PBS), every weekeday afternoon. They're no doubt going to keep it going for ages. On the radio today, I heard someone who worked on the show say Mr. Rogers very much hoped it would continue.

Oops, sorry for the double post!

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