License to Grill
It's been raining (or looking like it's going to) for close to a month now, I believe, but nonetheless I went out and bought us a gas grill, which we've been using during scattered showless moments. I'm new to grilling, but I've had good luck so far with various meats, corn, tomotoes, and various kebabed veggies. It's a fun way to cook, and I feel very domestic.
By the way, sorry to be so quiet lately! Work has been busier than usual, but still ...
Have you read the delightful cookbook "Licence to Grill" ? I'd give you the authors' names, but I've lent the book to a friend.
The guys who wrote it have a great happy-go-lucky attitude about grilling, combined with real grilling science know-how. Plus, they include great frozen drink receipes to go with the meals. Enjoy!
Posted by: Laura | July 13, 2003 03:30 PM