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I missed the anniversary of this site! I started Songdog.net two years ago with this tentative post. I'm not going to offer you a post like last year's first anniversary commemoration with its list of backlinks. For one thing I'm two days late myself, for another I've been a lot less prolific this second year for a variety of ever-evolving reasons. I aspire to writing fewer, but better posts, and hope by so doing to properly hit my stride here.

Other stuff has been happening too! My dear wife had her birthday followed closely by my own a couple of weeks ago. Hers was a great day (I hope she'll agree). Mine was postponed due to food poisoning, but the rain date was a blast. In typical long-distance fashion our birthdays were extended over a week or so, which I've come to really enjoy. I'm thirty-one now, and I enjoy my birthday almost as much as ever. When is this supposed to stop? I'm hoping for never.

The other big news I haven't mentioned here has been hinted at by the "Something New" ticker under the Countdowns heading. We're expecting our first child! The due date is real-soon-now, in forty days (May 1), and a sizable amount of energy has been devoted to baby stuff, most notably the transformation of my disastrously messy home office into a sparklingly clean nursery. I still have some work to do, but the hard parts are all done, thanks to the generous help of Al, Bonnie, Steve, and Leslie, without whom this could not have happened. Thank you all! We'll be in formal baby-watch mode soon, then the baby will come and thank you in its own way.

So this blogging anniversary is a happy one for me, belated or no, coming as it does in the midst of all this other birthday excitement. I can't promise more frequent updates, but I'll do my best to make your visits worthwhile. If I'm going to write this stuff it had better at least be interesting!


Happy birthday, bon anniversaire, and many happy returns! (And I added a comment to keep the Vanilla Coke thread going...)

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