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Light for Children


A beautiful installation entitled Lichter für Kinder (Light for Children) was created last Friday, August 20, when thousands of young Germans illuminated one million candles to symbolize their concern for the disadvantaged children of the world. More images follow below (click any image for a larger version).

Photo above by Fabrizio Bensch of Reuters (source)

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Photos above by Fabrizio Bensch (l), Franka Burns (c, r) of Reuters. Sources: l, c, r.

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Photos above by Fabrizio Bensch (l), Franka Burns (c, r) of Reuters. Sources: l, c, r.

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Photos above by Franka Burns (l), Fabrizio Bensch (c, r) of Reuters. Sources: l, c, r.

It's easy to succumb to cynicism about demonstrations like this, but it's such a wonderful spectacle and gesture. Imagine what it would feel like to add your candles to the sea of lights. Imagine what it must have felt like for the children who were there.


With such gorgeous images, one can't be cynical. I agree it must have been a wonderful experience for the kinder involved.

Very nice -- thanks.

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