Goodbye, Knowspam
As summer begins this year I have to bid goodbye to a service that has served me very well indeed. Knowspam, the excellent spam-blocking service created by Tom Burns and colleagues, is closing its spamproof doors. Over about a year and a half Knowspam has blocked over two hundred thousand spam messages that were headed my way, saving me enormous amounts of time, frustration, and general disgust. Knowspam was never perfect, and its developers were often too busy to add much-requested features, but even as it was I could never find anything better. Like many Knowspam refugees I'll be trying out Spam Arrest next, and if it's half as good it will be a wonder. But if it's even a hair less good I'll still pine for the old service, and long for what could have been. Goodbye, Knowspam! I'll miss you!