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Seventy-five and Still Standing

Last year I rode fifty miles in the Golden Apple Tour, an organized bicycle tour which starts in Goldens Bridge, New York. This year I decided to tackle the seventy-five mile route, which I completed yesterday, extending my personal distance record.

The weather was less pretty than last year; no colorful leaves falling in the sunlight. Well, maybe it was sunny (and leafy) on the bike path, but the seventy-five mile route never took me on the path, and it was overcast all day long. This made for comfortable temperatures once I warmed up, and the ride really was nicely routed, around horse farms and several large reservoirs and lakes.

There was one heart-stoppingly spectacular moment crossing the Croton Dam. The road across was closed to automotive traffic due to ongoing repaving and refurbishing work. I rode across behind two other cyclists, bouncing over fresh black patches of asphalt which rose like molehills all along the dam. I became aware halfway across that there was water on my right and an immediate drop of nearly two hundred feet down to dry countryside on my left, but I had to pay attention to avoid hitting too many jarring asphalt mounds and I was taken by surprise when the water suddenly fell away on my right as the dam curved away from under the roadway revealing a steep, stair-stepped cascade down to the valley below. I only had time to gasp "wow" before I had to carefully slip through a narrow part in a row of car-stopping road barriers as I reached solid ground once again, then it was off up the hill to the first rest stop.

All in all it was a very good ride, leaving me achy and sore, and looking forward to attempting an even longer ride this coming Sunday. Wish me luck!


Congratulations! And may the force be with you for next weekend's ride!

Funny you should mention the Croton Dam, near our old stomping grounds. We went cross-country skiing in the area below those falls and I have some pix of the falls in winter which I'll send you.

The dam is definitely a wonder. Thanks for the photos! I think I'd feel a little uneasy standing down there, maybe even claustrophobic. Something about the weight of all that water ...

Good luck, you madman!

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