A Good Day So Far
After a very sweet bedtime last night my son woke up cheerful this morning and gave me a birthday kiss. A day can't go too wrong after that. Even my dentist appointment was a pleasant experience (I really like the people there). On my way back from that I purchased too much of a good thing for lunch from Margon, and ate all of it sitting outside in Bryant Park. When I got home we ran around at the playground in 70°(F) weather, ate another good weighty meal at the steakhouse, and came home to brownies and ice cream, bath and bedtime, and a couple of cards and gifts. The rest will wait until tomorrow, when this nice day continues.
Big thanks, by the way, to NASA and JPL for delivering the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter safely for me. I can't wait to see what it can do!
Happy birthday! What did you get from Margon (he asked enviously)?
Posted by: languagehat
March 11, 2006 08:41 AM
I had a Cuban sandwich and I had yellow rice, black beans, and plantains. Too much, as I said. It looked just like this. Thanks again for turning me on to Margon in the first place!
Dinner, by the way, was citrus teriyaki marinated steak with a dollop of sesame ginger butter, served over steamed bok choi (sorry, no pictures). And there were potatoes. And a trip to the salad bar. And a bottle of Pilsner Urquell.
At home? Brownies made from scratch of Ghirardelli chocolate, served with Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream. Ahhhhhh.
Posted by: Songdog
March 11, 2006 12:08 PM
Sounds like a sweet birthday all around. May you have many more of the same.
Posted by: bonnie
March 11, 2006 12:39 PM